Read Morgan Stanley Research “Aging Consumers Shop for Wellness

CourMed®, a private client health services, perfectly aligns with the trends highlighted in this research. The global population of older adults is growing due to advances in medicine and technology. This aging population has much more money to spend and is increasingly focused on wellness, preventative health, and self-care. This trend is expected to drive growth in products and services aligned to these needs, and consumption patterns in Europe, where older adults have a higher disposable income, could offer important clues to this powerful demographic’s changing preferences in the rest of the world.

CourMed’s concierge services directly impact consumer health by:

  • Catering to a 50+ clientele: The majority of CourMed’s membership clients we serve are in this demographic and we cater to the specific health needs they face.
  • Providing nutrition support: We recognize the importance of proper nutrition for healthy aging and may offer services like specialized meal plans or connection with nutrition professionals.
  • Contributing to increased spending on consumer health: By supporting our clients’ health and wellness goals, we empower them to invest in themselves through preventative care, nutritional guidance, and other consumer health products and services.

CourMed’s services are available to Morgan Stanley employees and clients in the United States largest markets. We are committed to improving the health and well-being of this population and look forward to the possibility of participating in health and wellness research in the future. This research can further our understanding of this demographic’s needs and inform the development of even more impactful services.
